Wednesday, 8 January 2020


Hi Woodsy,

Hope this year is a good one for you and yours!

Here is an acrylic painting I finished recently, in homage to those little flying saucer toys we grew up with as kids. Feel free to post if you think it's blogworthy!

Rob Craig


  1. Thats cool Rob - real vintage feel to it! i'd give it wall space!

  2. Thank you very much! I've been hobby-painting for twenty years, and am finally getting around to something vaguely resembling some of the primitive toy-box artwork I loved as a kid. Nothing more nostalgic than a Hong Kong Flying Saucer!

  3. It does look ace Zigg. Like a box top! A very cool idea to paint the packaging. Like Andy Warhol and his soup can! Brilliant. What's next on the easel Zigg?

  4. Oh, I have saved dozens of pix of old Japanese and Hong Kong toy box art from the 50s and 60s, swiped from eBay and elsewhere on the 'Net, which I use as inspiration for painting projects. That primitive style really resonates with me, probably because I bought so many of these toys back in the day. Right now I'm working on some small gouache sketches of outer space-oriented scenes, inspired by Japanese Picture Transfer Books of the late 1950s. Ever see any of those? Tiny little books full of pictures of various subjects, which the child was supposed to wet and place on his skin or book cover or other object. Sort of like child tattoos. There are some WILD sci-fi and space designs in those things, and I'm "borrowing" as many as I can as templates for my painting project. If any of them come out half-decent I'll send them along.

  5. Rob - i'd love to see those! The trouble with the tattoos is they are so fragile, very few have survive untouched. It would be cool to see what you come up with!
