Wednesday, 16 October 2019


Hello Woodsy,

A while ago when I sent scans of space art from Eagle Annuals from the 50's I said I remembered Eagle having plans for a model spaceship. After going through my annuals I was mystified at not finding it. 

Then I went on line and found that in 1960 there was an Eagle Book of Spacecraft Models.

I obtained a copy and this indeed was what I remembered. The models need the wonderful JETEX motor which I had great fun with back then though the plans in this book were unintelligible to me then and they still are!

As we get to the anniversary of the first men on the moon, how about this MAN IN SPACE?




  1. I remember the author, Ray Malmstrom, who taught art at a village college in Cambridgeshire. He also ran a model aviation club there, which also met in the college's art room. ~He was a very dapper chap, who had served in the RAF in WW2. I remember he made a balsa and tissue model of a jet fighter, which was powered by a traditional plastic propeller at the rear!

    1. The author's name Malmström caught my eye, as it is distinctively Swedish and quite common also in Finland. Perhaps of Swedish descent?

  2. Really nice to see the nostalgic pages of the Man in Space cut-out model, Terranova :)

  3. I had this book as a kid and it was a BIG influence for me!
    I built a Dyna-Soar glider out of balsawood (using my own design) but incorporating the launch hook mechanism described in these pages.
    I flew my craft in Richmond Park and it only flew properly once, but that one time was magnificent!
    It looped a huge loop, then returned to earth in a flat spiral.
    Unfortunate future launching choices ended it's career (but over the years I've been famous for those!)

    Ahhh memories!

  4. Any chance you would be willing to make a good quality scan of the entire book available online?
