Sunday, 22 September 2019


You don't alas see great heaps of Project SWORD toys but not so SpaceX or Golden Astronaut. 

Owing to their small size lots of them turn up in piles, bundles and great lots!

 Over the years I've archived auction photos of piles of SpaceX from around the globe and here are a few.

Have you seen any piles of SpaceX or Golden Astronaut toys? 


  1. The 2 boxes of carded SpaceX toys are fantastic, I like how the bottom box just says "60's space toys" imagine finding that at a car boot!! Shaking hands... trying to hide excitement.. "How much do you want for those?" - Mark J Southcoast Base

    1. I know Mark. The top one was auctioned on Vectis years ago I. The bottom one was photographed by an old reader Darth at a Canadian flea market. A few years later at a market Darth went on to find one of the rarest SWORD toys ever featured on Moonbase - The blister carded Tarheel PROJECT SWORD Dart Gun set. Lucky fella!
