Monday, 9 September 2019


We've been to a few boot sales of late me and the Missus.

She likes to buy stuff for Moonbase Junior. I tend to buy more crap.

But, I like crap, especially vintage toys!

This was a new one on me, Gussie! 

Its a really neat carded plastic aquarium frogman with his own stand. Classic!

These mystery figs were in a sack of old figures I got.

Not sure about the green man but my Missus reckons the other fella has fallen out of a Black Forest barometer, you know, one of those little wooden weather shacks.

No idea who these old sea dogs are. Those two ladies look tied-up but they're actually hiding pirate pistols behind their backs!

A few knockoff Action Man bits is always fun. Unsure about the other bits. You? [excuse the zipper!]

These have to be the ugliest toy figures I've ever seen. From 1982, I've no idea what they are.

and finally a nice Chinese tinplate repro of a spaceship.
Anyone know the name?


  1. Your ugly little fellows from 1982 are from a toy line called The Other World by Arco.I think the orange one is called Gipps but I forget what the purple ones are called.

    1. Ta very much Bri. Thats sorted that. Never heard of The Other World! Got all your emails as well. Thanks. Slowly catchin up!

  2. I like cheapo vintage toys as well, Woodsy. They were the things that didn't cost a lot but kept kids like me busy for hours. Plastic divers like this are timeless. Some nice bootie finds there :)

    1. Ta Tone. Bootying is like looking for treasure. Great fun.
