Friday, 19 July 2019


I've identified the Project SWORD Moon Bus which Kev alerted as to yesterday - the one that appeared on ITV's The Day We Walked on the Mon documentary.

Here it is in the modern documentary:

You can also just about make out the corner of the SWORD Cape Kennedy Set and the Scramble Bug in the left corner.

It appears in the documentary at 15.10 minutes [the programme is available online for the next 28 days in the UK ]

The tell-tale sign as to the origin of this Moon Bus is the black sticker on its lower top side. Its a dymo home-made label done on a hand gadget  like this:

These Dymo labels were used in the Hong Kong trade toy show of 1968 in London.

The show generated a short ITN film, which we have covered before. I call it the White Nuclear Ferry film. In it you can clearly see the same Moon Bus with the same dymo label [writing unclear but they look like numbers]. Its being inspected by a female member of the show team.

For the moment you can can see the ITN short film on the Reuters archive here, around 20 seconds in:

I assume that the modern documentary makers have bought the clip from Reuters for use in the Day   We Walked on the Moon.

What do you think of either film readers?


  1. Well done! Fantastic (and quick!) research.

    1. Thanks Kev. Thanks for flagging it up. SWORD is just a trace element on telly!

  2. You've eagle-eyed it again, Woodsy! Well done.

    At least on my computer both links above lead to the same 60 min programme which unfortunately I cannot access. Will try another way.

    1. Oops, you've seen this then Arto! Soz. just catching up with comments after finishing Skool for the summer! Great to see some SWORD on TV. Only the second time I know of!
