Tuesday, 9 July 2019


I'm reading a novel called the Great White Space.

Dated 1974 it was penned by Basil Copper.

My paperback was published by Sphere.

Its a story about the exploration of an underground realm but the remarkable thing is the number of similarities with the film Prometheus.

In The Great White Space the intrepid explorers come across colossal doorways and caverns covered in strange hieroglyphics. 

They stumble across vast arrays of huge vases, which contain inhuman creatures held in oozing liquid and there is speculation about the architects of the caverns, who they call among other things engineers!

The cover of another edition of the book hints at the huge doorways hewn through cavern walls by unknown architects.

Have you read the Great White Space readers?


  1. Unusually for me Woodsy, as I'm not a great reader, especially of Horror, YES !
    Don't know how far through it you are, but there are some very Jules Verne / Edger Rice Burroughs aspects to it, I thought. And some quite Steampunk elements too.
    It's not unlike a weird cross between the movies 'At the Earths Core' and 'Event Horizon' as well, as you'll find out.
    Don't know why, but for some reason it sticks in my memory. Enjoy !

    1. Great Mish, glad someone else has read it. I'm on the last chapter now and I feel a climactic ending building up! I know what you mean about Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs. I know that the author was seen as a modern Lovecraft but I thought there were much fewer 'old gods and things' in this book than a HP Lovecraft story and its more like the novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth and the films you mention I agree. I have enjoyed it a lot so far.

  2. Will be interested to know what you think of the ending.

  3. Never even heard of this one, but any SF with a Lovecraft-ian vibe is okay be me. That second book cover (the one with the foreword by Stephen Jones) is terrific!

    1. Basil Copper wrote Necropolis as well, a novel about the train of the dead to a huge London cemetery. Read that years ago. It was excellent. Dripping gothic. The Necropolis Railway was a real trainline in London, the train of the dead https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Necropolis_Railway

  4. Apparently, that version with the nice cover is quite collectible,nothing much under $20 on eBay! And no copies at my library system.

    1. Wow, I had no idea it was a rare cover Zigg!

  5. I haven't read it but it does sound interesting, so I'm gonna go grab myself a copy.
    The description reminds of another book, The Descent... which I didn't think was very good at all but had some interesting ideas. More biblical than Lovecraftian unfortunately.
