Monday, 8 July 2019


There are so many TV programmes and movies about the Moon Landing I'm getting dizzy.

There was First Man at the cinema, then there's ARMSTRONG in the cinemas for one night only tomorrow on the 9th and then there's 8 Days to the Moon and Back this Wednesday 10th on BBC 2.

Did you see First Man?


  1. I did but I've got to say it bored me and I find the subject matter absolutely fascinating!

    1. Not seen it Kev but I will try to catch one of the many documentaries on TV this month.

  2. Haven't been to the theater in years, but the mention of First Man made me nostalgic, so I pulled out my DVD of Ray Harryhausen's First Men in the Moon, one of the first movies I saw in a movie theater! Still a great flick, in my opinion...

    1. Is that the one with the big round wooden space ball and the two Victorian chaps from London landing in it on the Moon Zigg?

  3. Thanks for flagging 8 Days, Woodsy. I'd seen it announced but not with a date so I'd've missed it otherwise.
    Very nicely done I thought.

    What I'd recommend is Moonwalk One, made by NASA after the mission. Where you don't have to wonder whether you're watching CGI or the real thing. :)

    Best -- Paul

    1. No probs Paul. I watched 8 Days last night but fell asleep after Armstrong stepped onto the moon! It was great seeing all the Saturn 5 footage at the start. I'll check Moonwalk One. Thanks for the tip. There's more Moon Landing programmes on TV this week and next.
