Sunday, 28 July 2019


I've got a mindworm and its driving me crazy.

Its about films and miniature model soldiers.

I know that in the original The Day of the Jackal the French detective Claud Lebel is making model soldiers at some point during the movie. 

Can I find a screengrab or a film clip of this? Forget it.

Similarly and even more irritating is another scene of miniature soldier making in another film with a very similar actor, this time with long hair. I had thought it the same actor as Lebel. It could be in a Jason Bourne film.

Anyone know anything about either of these?

Its driving me nuts!


  1. You may be old enough to remember the first 'Callan' story, 'A Magnum for Schneider' adapted from the book to a teleplay. It was the beginning of several series on British TV in the early 70's about the government sanctioned David Callan who cast his own metal toy soldiers in his spare time when not actually assassinating people.

    The first story used to be on YouTube and is worth watching if you haven't seen it before.

    1. Fab Terran! Another model soldier link. You just don't see miniature soldiers as props anymore. Maybe its a dying hobby? I shall have to check that out, the Callan. Episode. I used to be mesmerised by the swinging light bulb at the start of the programmeNow that takes me back!

  2. I remember one Callan where he toughened his hands with sand, then wet sand moving up to gravel then stones!! My soft barber hands couldn't cope with that!!! - Mark J Southcoast Base

    1. That's what Kwai Chang Cain does in Kung Fu too MJ!
