Wednesday, 22 May 2019


This video on You Tube from 2017 is about the demise of General Foam in the US.

As far as I recall General Foam were a successor to the blow-mould kings Empire of Tarboro, themselves parents of Tarheel Industries who brought Project SWORD toys to America and Canada in the late 60's.


  1. I managed to find exactly ONE Project Sword toy in the U.S., by Tarheel, a swing-wing jet fighter influenced by Thunderbird 1, and molded in neon green! Loved that beauty for many a year...

    1. I know that one Zigg, its the Nova II. Not SWORD as such but a relative as its a large version of the SpaceX Rocket Ship Hawk aka the Golden Astronaut DSwing Wing Hawk. They turn up on Ebay now and then, the Tarheel toy. Did yours get binned?

    2. Yes! NOVA II! I vaguely recall the box now. Not SWORD per se, but certainly a kissing cousin! Mine got purchased somewhere around 1970, was used in one of my Super 8mm monster movies (!), and probably went into the trash circa 1980...

    3. I have to ask, do your movies still survive Zigg?
