Tuesday, 16 April 2019


I love this clock money box.

The rocket graphic is superb.

I saved the image from Ebay years ago.

I've been trying to recall what clock I had as a kid. It was without doubt not as interesting as this rocket one. It will have been tin and wind-up with a really loud bell alarm.

Later the tin clocks got bigger and two bells appeared on top like bike bells!

What clock did you have as a kid?


  1. I don't remember having a clock in my childhood bedroom,but my parents had a wind up alarm clock that was loud enough to wake us all.during my teen years I got a digital clock/radio of my own.Very hi-tech at the time.

    1. Yep, clocks made noises back then didn't they Bri. Loud alarms. ha ha. Its funny how teenage years are marked with new technology. Maybe its the young who always drove the demand for new tech like those digital clock radios. Very retro now and I bet collectable too.

  2. Had one of those folding travelling clocks as a kid. As a teenager I had a clock radio cassette with a timer that you could set like a video recorder to record radio shows when you were out. I did that a lot abd it was a great idea. However, the microchip in it thought a minute lasted 71 seconds! I had to do complicated mental calculations before setting it!

  3. Lordy, how I remember those folding clocks Kev! Yes! They were everywhere! Like little metal oysters next to everyone's beds! Your teenage tech sounds ace. That's funny about 71 seconds. Just think if NASA had a chip like that back then!

  4. I've just thought if there's a time I've never actually seen on a clock? A time when I've always been asleep? There must be loads! I sleep like a log!
