Sunday, 10 February 2019


Mention of Bob Burns in the last post reminded me that I have this ace book, It Came From Bob's Basement. I got it years ago.

Ironically, its in my loft!

Have you got this book about Bob's amazing collection of monster props?


  1. Yes.It has great photos, but also is an excellent read about Bob's youth,his early carreer,and fascinating accounts of his work with famous people of all kinds.Bob used to attend a monster convention in western Pennsylvania regularly, but it was too long of a drive for me to attend.I would have enjoyed a chance to meet him in person.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/15/2020 8:44 am

    Yes, I have this book. Mine is an ex-library copy, so a little worn, but not too bad. Full of surviving props and costumes. There is even a mention of his time in the US Army. He ended up making training aids that simulated various wounds, with blood to make them as realistic as possible, which trainee medical personnel could then be taught to treat. Putting his make-up and modelling skills to good use.

    1. Fascinating Paul. Bob's one of the great collectors from the monster years of cinema. Like the great Forry Ackerman, archivist supreme. You seem to have the same books as me!
