Saturday, 17 November 2018


Here are a few vintage games that once graced my attic.

When I was a 'toy dealer' more than anything finding, buying and selling vintage board games was a real passion.

. There's just something incredibly appealing about them, especially the box art. 

I still have loads of them in the loft and lots of books on the subject.

Sorcerer's Cave is an interesting game along with its sister game Mystic Wood, not pictured. They were early RPG's. 

But what of Elixir - I've just last week found a set of spare cards for it - and Curse of the Idol? 

Were they any good?

Have you any games?


  1. I have mystic wood and still play it, it's fun! Used to have Sorceror's cave but it ends up taking up a lot of floor space when you play it.

    1. Wow! The stuff you have Kev! What's Mystic Wood like to play? I've found both of those games at car boot sales but never played them. there's a little something about them in the morning.

    2. It's ok, you select different knights with different quests in the same wood and the winner is the one that suceeds first. The wood is different each time as you lay the 'board' out face down. Trouble is you have to play on the floor as a table isn't big enough (at least when you use the extension pack as we do!)

  2. I had the great 70's football game "Striker" which was only marginally more exciting than the blurb on the box! I've never really got games "about football" even the Fifa twenty- tooty- twelvety, give me a shoot em up every time! ( Arkham games included)- Mark J Southcoast Base

    1. What were Arkham games Mark? Cthulu?

    2. Sorry should've been more specific the Arkham games are console batman games, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Arkham Origins and finally Arkham Knight, each game had a free roam ability with more and more space to roam whilst completing story challenges and/or missions. For me, playing as Batman was enough but the games just draw you in till you see most aspects of the game in the outside world around! Lots of fun!!- Mark J Southcoast Base

    3. Thanks for the Arkham link. It'll be blogged this afternoon Mark.

  3. Striker was cool, push the plastic figures head down and he kicks the ball. One of a raft of innovations that came in the late seventies, along with VertiBird, Flight Deck and the more toy-like games such as Purple people Eater and Jaws that appeared.

  4. Decimal Shopping - wow. Dullsville population 3.
