Tuesday, 14 August 2018


I've just come back from seeing The MEG. If you like your monsters on the large side like me then The Meg is for you.

I won't say anything about the film as its only just out here in the UK.

That being said, besides the monster shark and not giving much away by this, I was excited about the hardware in the film especially the submersibles. One of them was like a clear sphere balanced in a chassis like a gyro pictured below.

I don't know if there are any toys coming out of the Meg but this submersible reminded me of vintage toy designs from my childhood - seen below from old online auctions.

Remco's Minisled from their Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea set.

and the boxed Hover Moon Base Space Adventure set bubble space craft

and here it is carded

Can you think of any more bubble subs?


  1. I don't plan on watching the movie but I'd surely like a nice 1/35-ish model kit of that mini-sub.

    1. Yeah, I wonder if they release any toys and models to go with the film KnobG?
