Tuesday, 14 August 2018


Hi Woodsy,

Don't know if the Blog wants a grumble, but this year I tried to watch BBC4's history of Science Fiction (think it may be a repeat).

Due to the youth of the presenter, it starts with Star Wars.

Well, I don't know if part 2 will get any better, but it is a very patchy and gimmicky history which should have been called a history of SF at the cinema and on TV.

I may have missed it, (as I was so disgusted), but I didn't see Gerry Anderson covered. In addition, how can you do a history of SF without looking adequately at books, (including book covers), children's TV, comics and newspaper strips too? 

While there is some coverage of Flash Gordon (at the cinema) , I think Buck Rogers predated him, as the first real SF strip hero. 

As it was presumably aimed at the American market, I am sure there will be no Dan Dare, who had an enormous influence on 1950s Britain (and inspired people like the late Steven Hawking). 

What a missed opportunity!

Did anyone else see this programme?

Andy B

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