Wednesday, 11 July 2018


I recently commented that I have a memory like a sieve.

From the vast ocean of childhood the things I recall the best is the flotsam floating on top: the toys, books, records and ornaments.

Entire TV shows have forsaken me and I have no recollection of them at all. Is this a common problem in your late fifties or should I be worried? Whats it like for you?

There are however low murmurs in the deep trenches of my memory, veiled echoes of other things from childhood. Some of these are TV programmes, where I can just about hear a distant theme tune or half-glimpse an blurred opening or sketchy scene.

Dipping into this shadowy pool of ghosts I can feel the following stirring, which you may yourselves recall far better than me:

Belle and Sebastian is just such a glimmer. I recall it was in black and white and featured a very cute kid and a large dog. The lad may have been wearing a turtle neck sweater. It was Swiss or Belgian. Maybe even alpine. I remember that the title music was hauntingly gorgeous but have no inkling of it now. Do you remember this 1960's show?

Similarly haunting was the theme tune to Robinson Crusoe, which I can actually still hum. I can still see the monochrome Robinson running through the surf and taking gull eggs from the cliffs. Not sure how he ate them. Presumably raw. The rest of the show has been washed away I'm afraid. Do you remember it?

Its both pleasing and frustrating in equal measure to only recall snippets of TV from the Sixties. OK, I can google anything these days and re-live the whole thing but I'm trying to swirl the sediment and see what rises first.

Do you suffer from patchy recall of childhood TV?


  1. Belle et Sebastien theme tune -

    I remember those amazing summer hol import TV series with great affection. They were brilliant and a big part of childhood, back then! Do you remember The Flashing Blade? Another ace show with an ace theme tune, Woodsy :)

    The Flashing Blade theme tune -

    1. Yep, just about remember that Tone. So many great programmes ... and just 3 channels! Thanks for the link.

  2. I remember 'Robinson Crusoe' and 'The Singing Ringing Tree' very well, but 'Belle and Sebastian' and 'The White Horses' had animals in them, which meant, for me, at that age, that they were 'for girls', so I never watched them.

    1. You won't have liked my fave programme Mish, Tales from the Riverbank. Nothing but aniimals!

  3. I had an annual for a programme called The Aeronauts, it was a French and produced series about 2 pilots that fought for justice around the world, I saw several episodes as a kid, 1 character was named Tanguy and I believe the title of the show was (in French of course) the horsemen of the sky- Mark J

    1. I have a vague feeling that someone else has mentioned the aeronauts MJ. I don't remember it. Wonder if there was any merchandise?

  4. If you look at my blog, Woodsy, you'll see that I did a post each on Robinson Crusoe and The Singing Ringing Tree only recently. (7 or 8 posts back.)

    1. superb kid. glad to see you blogging again. great posts.
