Saturday, 17 March 2018

The Gates of Talos

I recently heard a large creaking steel gate opening at work. It sounded more or less like this one on You Tube:

As soon as I heard the metal gate creaking I knew immediately where I'd heard that grating high-pitched whine before!

Yes, Talos!

That has to be a creaking gate sound when Talos awakens on his pedestal after the treasure horde of the Gods is disturbed.

I can well imagine that the sound editor actually went out and recorded a creaky gate with a microphone and reel to reel tape recorder to capture this.

It is without doubt one of my favourite movie scenes of all time.

Does anyone know how they did it?

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaagh!No more creaking metal! I just had 10 hours of it at work and my ears are still ringing,earplugs or not!
