Sunday, 18 March 2018

Brian's Cheapo Die-Cast 20 in 1 Space Set

Hi all,

Here is a space play set I found on holiday clearance last month.I opened it up and took some closer pictures.

See anything you recognize?

Brian F, NJ


  1. I love this set Brian, great find! So much in there. The blue Mars rover is ace and is that a soyuz spacecraft I see docked at the end of the space station [MIR/ ISS?]

    1. I would say yes.Good eye,Woodsy!

  2. Really good set- that astronaut makes me realise that since the Apollo moon landings, toy spacemen have been transformed- they now have much bulkier and I suppose more realistic space suits -but I miss the early space programme-type lighter designs used on earlier figures.

  3. I'm guessing the astronaut is based on the LP toy,but painted.
