Sunday 11 February 2018

Strange New Worlds and Thunderbirds 1993

I keep seeing this magazine on offer online. I first noticed it years ago and I even put it on my Christmas list about 5 years ago for my Missus to get me but she went for something else.

Its interesting as its a US magazine from the early 1990's and its largely dedicated to Thunderbirds. The date coincides with the new wave on interest in Thunderbirds in the UK in the early 90's. Does this mag represent a new wave of interest in Gerry Anderson in the States back then?

You can get a feel for it on Amazon's Kindle review and in fact its cheap enough to buy. Maybe I should and stop wondering! if you do have one let us know what you think.


  1. Unfortunately there wasn't a big surge of interest in Thunderbirds in the States circa 1993. I would have noticed if there had been! However, the interview in question has been posted online here:

    Apparently this collector and I are roughly the same age, and he wasn't far from me back in 1967! Had I but known at the time!

    1. Thanks Richard. Thanks for the link too! The mags online! If only we'd have had social media back then you have hooked up with the author!

  2. thunderbirds are cool!
    trasmission incoming here...
