Saturday 17 February 2018

Long Island Aerospace History Site and the ANT

Project SWORD Annual readers may recall the ANT.

Its a multi-stage space vehicle that features in its own story in the book. Its based on a real Sixties design.

The excellent Long Island Aerospace History site has some interesting stuff on this design. 

It includes this wonderful picture including a model of what Project SWORD called the ANT to the right of the image 
[ I did have trouble loading this image readers ].

If it doesn't load then try this Google search and the image should be one of the first, Grumman Lunar Landing Concept 1962.

I wonder what happened to that model?

A large prototype ANT, the Grumman MOLAB, dangles from an American ceiling.

It's hanging from the ceiling in the Red Planet cafe of the Cradle of Aviation Museum, Mitchel Field, Long Island, USA and advertised as part of their children's party space offer.

The picture is shown with kind permission from it's taker, Gary Agranat. 
You can see it on Gary's flickr album here.

Anyone been?

Have you seen an ANT model or prototype?

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