Friday 16 February 2018

did you mirror write?

I was recently talking to someone about backwards writing.

You know, writing that's written as if its in a mirror.

My mates and me loved to mess with this when we were kids in the Sixties. Its was a sort of code. Not only did some of us write it but it was spoken as well.

It began with our names.

Mine was Sdoow Luap. It could have been Luap Sdoow if I reversed in the same order, which some kids did, but strictly speaking the true mirror name was Sdoow Luap.

My mates included such gems as Yllredda Nibor and Nossac Nhoj!

These could read normally by placing a mirror at the end and reading the names in the mirror.

There are some difficulties in describing mirror writing though. Is it actually reversed or is it flipped i.e. on its back?

Similar problems arise with objects in a mirror. When looking at ourselves its hard to describe what we see as reversed. Left has become right and so on. I'm not sure what the term would be. Half turned?

Back to writing, there were other styles too like upside down writing. Typewriters added another dimension too.

What do you think about mirror writing and were you any good at it readers?


  1. My normal writing was unreadable anyway! The phrase to describe the image in a mirror is 'laterally inverted'.

    1. ha ha, its great to have a resident fizzicist Kev! Laterally inverted eh. Does lateral mean a line and invert mean flipped? Was Journey to the Far Side of the Sun about mirror images?

  2. We're a dying breed! It means left & right swapped over basically. Yep, that film was about that.

    1. Fizzicists like you will take us to the stars one day Kev! Let me know of your'e building a rocket. I'll come with ya!

  3. On reflection, mirror writing could disguise my typos :) K yonT

    1. ha ha, love it K Yont! I wonder if a typewriter existed that reverse wrote. Like a code machine for kids!

  4. I still do it! As a joke for people's going away certficates or perhaps some congratulatory card at work I'll still sometimes write backwards - just cuz! :-)
