Friday, 8 December 2017

baking moonbase biscuits for christmas

Missus Moonbase has been baking biscuits for Crimbo. I was her little helper.

We made slabs and rods piped through metal shapes like play doh and then baked

Chocolate and icing was added

Bikkies were sorted into piles

A dozen or so were each bagged up

A hand made Xmas decoration was the finishing touch

They were finally grouped in a display box for sale to workmates

Bon appetit!

Are you baking this Christmas?


  1. As much as I enjoy cooking,baking has always been beyond my grasp.I recently read a recipe for simple comfections made with flour,sugar,butter and choice of peanut butter or marzipan coated with chocolate.I might give those a whirl.Those cookies look delicious.The chocolate drizzle makes them look extra special.

    1. Thanks Bri. Your marzipan confections sound yummy! I must admit if I was over there in NJ I would ditch baking and go to the nearest kenoli bakers! I love those things!

    2. Just learning now that a snow storm is headed my way.3 to 5 inches by tomorrow afternoon.Not a severe amount but definitely not expected as we've had a very mild Autumn so far.

    3. batten down the hatches Brian, get the Southern Comfort out and some old monster flicks!

  2. Well done to Missus Moonbase and her little helper/sampler. Those decorative crimbo cookies look delicious! So, any future retirement plans to open The Moonbase Bakery, Woodsy :)
    Yes, I wont be baking this year. My talents lie in eating these tasty things, rather than making them. Nonetheless, I'm listed as essential kitchen personnel in our house - I'm The Washer-Upper :)

    1. Ta Tone. Yes, I too am a tester of bikkies and a licker of spoons. There was much testing and licking the other night I can tell you! ha ha
