Wednesday, 29 November 2017

brian's rogue's gallery of classic horror autographs

These are the faces you"'ll see in the hall leading to my bedroom!

Brian in NJ.


  1. An amazing gallery of horror icons Brian! How did you get all those? At cons? Have you a fave?

  2. I love the persona comments they've all written Bri! Captain Spalding's at the end is priceless!

  3. persona? I mean personal!

  4. There are many good cons in the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area.My faves would be Chiller Theatre,MonsterMania, and MonsterBash.These type celebs also frequent toy shows,sometimes as customers themselves,so it pays to keep your eyes open for opportunity.I forgot that Sid's autograph was a little bit nasty,sorry about that,but yes Captain Spaulding is a nasty guy.

  5. And how many girlfriends over the years have suddenly remembered a 'previous engagement' on the way to your bedroom?

  6. Most have the same interests as I do,so that's never been an issue.

  7. That's an awe-inspiring rogues gallery of movie maniac you've got there, Brian.
    All the better for those great personal comments. Fantastic... in a fiendship sort of way. I like 'em :)

  8. They're generally nice personable folk in plain clothes.Mike Berryman and Dick Warlock were especially hospitable and generous.Makes you wonder how they can conjure up these horrific alter egoes,but hey, that's show biz,right?

    1. I suppose they are the new gang of horror stars now, a bit like the first gang of Lugosi, Karloff, Chaney, Lorre and the second gang, Cushing, Lee, Pitt and Price.
