Wednesday, 6 September 2017

kid fossil collecting

Speaking of hammers it reminded me that I adored a fossil hammer when I was a young paleontologist! It went hand in hand with being dinosaur mad!

When I say fossil hammer I mean a geology hammer, you know, the small thing with a flat head and a spike at the back for shipping at rocks.

I think mine had a black rubber grip and I'm pretty sure I will have got it at the cash and carry warehouse Richard Oldham, where my late Dad was manager.

The fossil hammer I recall the most from the books I had as a kid was one on a guide to fossils or more likely rocks and minerals.

For the life of me I can't think what it was!

Did you have a geology or fossil hammer as a kid or maybe some books, gems and fossils in a small [or large] collection?


  1. Who're you calling a fossil? It may be true, but it still hurts. Seriously though, I knew a lad at school (lived a couple of rows away from me) who was into dinosaurs and fossils, but I don't know if he actually dug for them or just bought them. Me, I was too busy with my comics.

    1. I would have been mates with you both I reckon Kid! Comics and fossils is like fish n chips!

  2. I had a tiny fossil hammer that came with a rock collecting or some science kit. It was so flimsy you didn't dare swing it with much force. The main hammer I used against rocks though was my dad's coil handled chipping hammer. My dad early in his life was a welder so that's how we had it in the tool box.

    1. Great memories! That rock collecting kit sounds fascinating Lance. I had a paleontology boxed set as a kid which I loved but for the life of me can't recall what it was called. It had a T Rex skeleton on the box top and a black and white picture booklet inside among other things. I'd love to see the thing again! BTW what's a coil handled chipping hammer look like?


    3. Wow! That's a classy hammer! Cheers Lance!

  3. Just got back from a holiday on the Jurassic coast. Went fossil hunting for the first time and found some!

    1. Yay! Well done Kev and welcome back! You take any pics of your fossils? What's your hammer like?

  4. Thanks. I'll send you some! We went on a guided walk and they said you don't need a hammer, just your eyes. They were right too, I found a nice little ammonite just sitting there amongst the rocks!
