Wednesday, 6 September 2017

b i r d m a n is b a t m a n

Have you seen Birdman?

I missed it the first time round but caught it recently. Its stars Michael Keaton, an ageing former film star of super hero films trying one last attempt at being noticed by staging a serious Broadway play.

I was excited by this film as I love Michael Keaton. My love for him as an actor stems almost entirely from his portrayal of Batman in 1989 and a little bit from Beetlejuice.

The Burton Keaton Batman flick single-handedly kicked off my collecting bug. I was 29. I was young, excitable and hugely impressed with the whole thing. It was a revelation and perhaps a revolution in super hero filmography.

Birdman is a metaphor for Keaton's old role as Batman. There are no doubt many other thespian nuances in there and some post-modern irony thrown in for good measure but I tuned in completely to the former-Batman-actor-going-to-seed sentiment.

I agree with the mantra of Birdman, that Keaton was the first and paved the way for everyone else in super hero moviedom. It is of course talking about the 1989 Batman picture.

OK, its over the top, tongue in cheek and drenched in thesp pathos but the sight of Keaton flying as Birdman made the film for me.

The metaphor was complete. There is only one modern Batman, the first modern Batman and his name is Michael Keaton.

In the end though I still prefer Batman to Birdman but then again I think that's the point.

What do you think?


  1. Hi, I haven't seen Birdman yet, but everytime I heard the title of the movie, I can't help thinking about "my" Birdman (or Bird Man), which is obviously Batman.

    Here's a link:

    1. I see what you mean Gog! Birdman! I love your blog by the way. So much in it! Well done!

  2. I was always a fan of Keaton in his more serious roles, like Clean And Sober. Moreso than stuff like Mr. Mom (where he's still great).
    I liked Birdman a lot. There's a bit where they're trying to find an actor for the play and everyone they name is wrapped up in some Hollywood superhero film... which captures my sentiment that those movies are sucking up a lot of talent that, IMO, would be better used in better films.
    Still, anything with Keaton will have my interest.

    1. I agree Knobgobbler, Keaton is excellent. He was magnetic in Pacific Heights and also a film about a coach trip from a hospital, but its name escapes me.

      Burton's Batman with Keaton and Nicholson was a movie turning point I think. I can't decide if its more important than Chris Reeve's original Superman film. What do you think?
