Thursday, 3 August 2017

spelunking with monsters

Saw a flick called The Cave this year.

I'd seen it afore but only realised once we were wading.

The Cave released in 2005 is about a group of cave-mad blokes and one lady who enter a deep Romanian system. It becomes clear that they're not alone as 30 years earlier another team of cave-mad blokes got trapped down there.

The twist in this tale - SPOILER ALERT ! - is that subterranean nasties have changed the trapped chaps for the worse. Dispensing with eye-sight they have evolved into heinous flying bat man echo-locating their way through three decades of boredom and chomping on a diet of the resident eyeless mole-rats.

That is until some delicious humans drop in, literally. Yep, those cave-mad blokes and one lady are on the menu and only the least palatable will survive!

The monsters in the Cave reminded me of flying Kaiju like a winged version of the beast in the park in Cloverfield.

The Cave is a lot like The Descent, a classier movie from 2006 in which cave-mad ladies lower themselves into a whole heap of cavernous doo-doos left by, yep, an earlier caving group who have changed somewhat for the worse.

Do you notice a pattern forming!

The monsters in The Descent are more humanoid than in the Cave and their albino looks are similar to the hairless fiend man in Creep, the London Tube shocker.

Have you seen The Cave, The Descent, The Cavern or any other underground flick?

I doubt if any of these films spawned any collectables or toys but the spelunkers among you may know.

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