Tuesday, 8 August 2017

replacement action man racing cars anyone?

Tony's superb Action Man racing car post got me thinking. 

Bill's comments about it being rare and also Bill Ev's comment yesterday about a Welsh Plastics racing car big enough for an Action Man got me wondering just how could a Sixties kid nuts about Action Man get hold of a replacement racing car if the Palitoy one wasn't around?

Googling didn't really throw up much except some larger blow moulded plastic racing cars, which I suppose you could have hacked out the cockpit to let Action Man in.

I couldn't find the Welsh Plastics racing car or any other stand-in for the Palitoy car.

Does anyone have any pictures of vintage Action Man in non-Action Man vehicles?


  1. I turned a Sindy beach buggy into a moonbase alpha moon buggy, does that count?

    1. Certainly does Kev! Poor Sindy and Paul, theyre missing a buggy!
