Tuesday, 29 August 2017

did you have a pair of toy binoculars?

I saw a pair of plastic toy binoculars the other day. They were in a plastic toy shoulder case. All made to look like grown up binoculars.

I was overcome with a memory of just such a pair as a kid in the Sixties!

They were a toy but actually worked and slid in and out of that case with ease. They might have even had plastic caps over the front plastic lenses!

I adored those binoculars and wore them with pride on walks.

Probably made by someone like Thomas Salter maybe.

Did you have a pair?


  1. I did - light blue with black eyepieces iirc.

  2. Superb Fenton! I loved mine. Totally plasticcy!

  3. ...with a greasy cheap black plastic strap so they could hang around my neck as I explored the furthest reaches of my garden ! lol

