Sunday, 25 June 2017

front nacelles: is it rocket science?

These old Showa omake caught my eye.

On Yahoo Japan a while back they were probably released by Morinaga or similar.

What struck me where the pairs of forward nacelles on each small model.

These remind of the similar ones on the Project SWORD Probe Force 2.

Does anyone know the history or the science of these front nacelles in rocket design?


  1. Are you sure these aren't either missiles or fuel tanks, designed to be snapped off, and stuck to the model?

    1. That's a good point point Andy. Hadn't thought of that. They could be indeed parts on sprues.

  2. they will be snipped off and clipped under the wings as drop tanks or missiles, is just easier to cast them in that configuration.

    1. clipped under the wings? is that like clipped round the ear like we used to get off our Mums and Dads? ha ha
