Saturday, 24 June 2017

batman made me do it

Adam West began my love of Batman as a kid in the Sixties.

I got my bat toys from my kind parents back then.

I don't have any of them anymore worst luck.

Michael Keaton began my new love of Batman as an adult in 1989.

I bought my own bat toys then.

What I got in those bat-tastic first years of collecting in the early 90's you can see above. Its hard to explain how thrilling it was to get these toys as they were the very start of my vintage toy collecting. Everything was new to me and hugely exciting as only the start can be.

Thanks Adam RIP.

Thanks Michael.

Thanks Batman.

Hope you enjoyed Baturday readers.


  1. Certainly have enjoyed Baturday, Woodsy. It's been great to reflect and pay tribute to Adam West and Batman. Yep, I can imagine the thrill of getting the toys pictured above at the start of your vintage collecting. What a great selection of Batman toys you grouped together :)

    1. Cheers Tone. I enjoyed collecting Batman stuff immensely. One of my faves n the photo was the Remco Energised Batman Figure, a hard plastic 12 inch figure that ascended and descended down a nylon line. Such a cool toy. I found it loose at an evening toy fair I used to go to. I loved those evening toy fairs. Don't think there are any anymore.

  2. Yes Woodsy it has been a trip down the memory lane always fondly taken. Thanks Tony, Rob, and Bat-master Woods!

    One significant aspect of the 1989 Batman rebirth that needs re-evaluation and was an important factor in my excited anticipation of the movie, is the quirky soundtrack by Prince. The first copy I had access to was a low-quality pirated c-cassette on sale at a market in Palermo, Italy, where I stayed for that summer. The film premiered in June in the States and had yet to open in Finland in October, but somehow the pirated soundtrack was already there. That cassette has been my treasure ever since, enduring endless replay before I got my hands on the official soundtrack. Prince's Lovesexy album had been a favourite of mine that past year, so the Batman - Burton - Prince line-up was a dream team made in heaven!

    1. I agree Arto, the Prince/ Elfman bat-track was as much part of Batman as anything else. It all came together in a perfect cartoon vision of Gotham. I particular;y loved the scene where the Joker climbs the museum stairs towards Kim Basinger with a large beatbox on his shoulder blasting out Party Man! Just wonderful and I can see why your pirated cassette is important to you. Part of the history of the film!
