Tuesday 7 March 2017

Tales of Wolverine

There have been many plastic Wolverines.

Marvel Super Heroes, Projectors, X Men to name but a few.

Fans love the guy. Ol' Canuckle Head is up there in the premier league of heroes. Maybe even top!

Some fans collect everything. Check out Radapaw's inspirational collection captured on his ace website http://wolverine.radapaw.com/index.html

My favourite Wolvie is without doubt the first real plastic figure of them all, the Secret Wars one from 1984.

It's a simple hunk of coloured plastic, a muscular design and smooth to the touch. It's not big either like all the Secret Wars Range

As with many of my fave toys this figure was the first Wolverine I ever found at a car boot sale and also the first Secret Wars. I fell in love with them both back in the early 1990's.

Over the next few years I found a few more Secret Wars figures like Kang, Captain America and Doctor Doom to mention a few. Much harder to find were the lenticular shields that came in the bubble cards but with perseverance it was possible and I found quite a few.

I added many other SW collectibles to my horde back then: a clock,  the comics and a Panini Sticker book, together with an annual.

My red letter day came when I went to Toys R Us in Birstall, Leeds back then. The clearance shelves were a treasure trove for the figure fan like me and all mint boxed. I walked away that day with a Secret Wars Doom Roller, Doom Cycle, Turbo Cycle and Spider-Man Motorbike.

These were joined by a Defenders of the Earth Mongor, a Marvel Super Heroes Captain America Turbo Coupe and last but not least a Secret Wars Rucksack!

Sadly none of this cool stuff is at Moonbase anymore. I've moved house since those heady days in the  90's, run a toy mail order service, had toy stalls at fairs, had an Ebay Shop and sold everything.

But with the release of each new X Men and Wolverine Movie like Logan currently clawing its way into fans' hearts I always think back fondly to that first loose Wolvie I ever found from Secret Wars back in 1990.

Do you like Wolverine readers?


  1. i have three wolverine,one lego,one megabloks and a lead one,bought at the newsstand some years ago... and a movie poster too... ew
