Friday, 24 March 2017

geek salad miri

This week I thought of more random stuff.

came across a small thin stretchy green snake toy or at least I thought it was one. It might have been one of those delicious sweet snakes we got at a penny chop but on closer inspection it was something entirely different - a sticky stretchy ninja chain, which I know from my Kung Fu past as a Kusarigami. Well I never, sticky ninja! Anyone got any sticky toys?


The new UK school craze is a thing called fidget spinners. It used to be water bottle flipping but these finger spinners seem to have taken over. 

Essentially a trio of ball bearinged rings set in a plastic Y, kids sit in class spinning them on their fingers! Apparently it aids concentration! 
What do you think?


Caught the Star Trek TOS episode Miri this week. It was an emotional drama on a new Earth where ageless children are dying of a strange disease. 

I noticed some of the kids were wearing toy US army helmets and US football helmets as shown here. Anyone recognise these toys and the brands?

Amazingly Miri was previously banned: on TV:


  1. It was rumoured that Miri was considered unsuitable as part of the plot required Kirk to get close to a young girl.
