Monday 6 March 2017

cryptic vintage toys comp

A bit of fun next readers. Below are ten cryptic clues for the names of well known vintage toys and toy brands. The number at the end denotes the number of words in the answer.

Just put the question number your'e trying with your answer in the comments.

ONE per reader to start with. Go go go.
  1. Movement Hombre 2
  2. Rodent Catcher 2
  3. Shortened Jonathan came after six 2
  4. The Queen's dog 1
  5. Rain after March 2
  6. Odd Alteration Device 3
  7. Great non-gloss stonecarver 3
  8. Below major light beam 2
  9. Shortened Jonathan did not go North, South or East 2
  10. Bell Crashers 2


  1. ha ha ha laughing at the others, you daft bugger!

  2. 7. Major Matt Mason

    And yes, very creative, Woodsy :)

    Best -- Paul

    1. You got it Paul! Nice one. And thanks!

  3. Oh and, re the royal canine, how about:

    11. small in a cute Scottish way (1)

    12. small pack of arsonist equipment (1)

    :) -- Paul

    1. Ha ha, great stuff Paul. I'll be interested of readers can get those. I can't!

    2. Aw c'mon, Woodsy - 11 is almost a dictionary definition, and 12 is almost a dead giveaway as well. The Woodsian brain cells that invented nrs 1-10 should be able to crack those? And there's the added clue to begin with too!

      :) -- Paul

    3. OK Paul, I'm relaxed now. Having a beer and watching Predator 2. In a flash of frothy inspiration I can say confidently that 11 is Dinky and 12 is Matchbox! I find coming up with the questions easier for some reason!

  4. 9. West marx the direction for Johnny... haha, brilliant, Woodsy :)

    1. Johnny West is the best. Well done Tone!

  5. Replies
    1. That's it Lance, Have a go at another one including 11 and 12 in the comment from Paul.

  6. Since we can have another go:

    6. Strange Change Machine

    (reminds me of an Asimov short story spoofing the more trashy side of the SF genre, in which an alien draws lurid conclusions about the human race by studying a magazine that translates as "Recreation Lad" in its own language. :)

    Best -- Paul

    1. You got it Paul. My cousin had this US toy. His even had a US plug on it. O was well jealous at the time. I adored the dinosaurs that came out the chamber! As for Recreation Lad, love it! ha ha. Wonder what Asimov would make of Amazon's Echo Dot/ Alexa?

    2. hmm... I think Asimov would've been fascinated by the technology and the possibilities on the one hand, but if he were still alive I hope he might've joined Hawking, Musk et al in urging caution. He invented the three Laws of Robotics after all, and those would be good to start applying to all these new AI developments before they evolve further.

      Best -- Paul

    3. I agree Paul. I worry about the current young generation who seem lost in social media. A kid said to me the other day that he never needs to leave his room, he meets his mates online and one day plans to 3D print food! What happened to playing out or playing in the garden or yard?
