Wednesday 22 February 2017


With preparations for the fan-driven one day event SHADOCON well underway, my tickets are booked and I have to say I'm filled with the spirit of UFO.

The special guests are the big draw for me.  Like many long time convention attendees, over the years I've been lucky enough to see a number of the stars from UFO, and get an insight on aspects of the series right from the people who were part of it all. Sadly, many are no longer with us.

Ed Bishop will always be a favourite. Listening to him talk , he had an incredible awareness of not just his own involvement but lots of other things about the show. This also applied to other series he appeared in. I remember asking him a question about the one episode of  the ITC series ,The Adventurer he'd appeared in. Bearing in mind I asked him, probably thirty years after he'd been in it, he remembered it well, and reflected on how he'd felt about the star, Gene (Burke's Law) Barry. Without being too disparaging, Ed speculated that Mr Barry lacked confidence and tended to feel uneasy if a younger better-looking member of the cast appeared on screen with him. Ed went on to describe the title sequence and how we first see The Adventurer as a film star, who walks through a door to become a tough business man and finally an international adventurer who is somehow connected to British intelligence.  Needless to say Ed would also talk about his fondness and respect for Gerry Anderson. It should be said Gerry had the same opinion about Ed.

photo: ITV Studios
Michael Billlington was another great guest, and I remember seeing him appear on stage with Ed at one point. 
Although, it's fairly well known now, I remember Mike first telling the audience about the scene in 'Kill Straker', when Straker slaps Paul  Foster several times across the face. Mike cosidered a pretend slap would look fake on screen and insisted that Ed do it for real, which he did, much to the alarm of Alan Perry, the director.   

Another star was George Sewell, who I have to say was a really nice guy who I saw at a convention in Telford, Although, I liked him in UFO I also enjoyed him in the filmed 3rd and 4th series of Special Branch, which also starred Patrick Mower. At times during that series his character, Craven would clash with fellow officer, Haggerty ( played by Mr Mower)  As a bit of light-hearted banter, I asked George, that in a straight fight between Patrick and himself, who'd win? George considered the question, speculating that Patrick was younger than him. However, before he could answer, I insisted  I'd  be putting my money on you. George!

photo: ITV Studios
Although, those  three fine actors who appeared in UFO are sadly gone, there's still a number who are thankfully still with us,  I'm looking forward to seeing all the guests at SHADOCON, particularly Keith Alexander, who played Operative Keith Ford, and Ayshea Brough , who played Operative Ayshea Johnson. Prior to joining SHADO, Keith was the voice of Sam Loover in Joe 90, while Ayshea was the host of Lift -Off, the seminal seventies pop show.

photo: ITV Studios
But, I'm not forgetting Ruric Powell, writer of  two of the more character driven UFO stories, 'Conflict' and 'The Dalotek Affair'. Ruric hasn't appeared at a UFO event before, so definitely  a coup for the organisers.

photo: ITV Studios
And last but, certainly not least, Michael Jayston, who guest-starred as showjumper Russell Stone, in 'The Sound of Silence'. Apart from UFO, Doctor Who fans might remember him as the mysterious prosecutor known as The Valeyard during the Trial of a Time Lord, and horror fans might remember him in the wonderfully titled portmanteau film, 'Tales that Witness Madness', during which Michael's character chooses a tree over Joan Collins!

As with all events like this they'll be the usual excellent model displays, like this finely detailed Shado Mobile built by Studio 2 Models.

So, if you are a fan of UFO or are just fond of vintage cult TV, or maybe just happen find yourself wandering aimlessly around  Derby on Saturday, 3rd June 2017, don't delay - get your tickets booked now!

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