Wednesday 22 February 2017

action man ruled!

I may have loved space and monsters as a kid but I also loved action man.

It's hard to explain how much joy Palitoy's fighting man gave me. I adored everything, the boxed figures, the stars you cut out, the blister carded sets and the bigger boxed vehicles.

I can't think of much I didn't have from Palitoy in the Sixties. Many of the uniforms and accessories were favourites.

Particularly special were the German Stormtrooper, the Grenadier Guard, the Canadian Mountie, the Australian fighter and the Russian soldier. I could name all the early uniform sets though.

Certain sets were simply wonderful: the medic with the stretcher, stethoscope and field first aid case; the radio set with the morse code unit and headphones; the rifle rack with all the different rifles and the Lifeguard with curved sword, cuirass and plumed helmet. I had the horse for this figure and it may have been my number one looking back.

But Action Man was a whole world. I'm forgetting how much I played with the amazing astronaut and his capsule; all those accessories like the silver mitts and the black plastic thing He carried round ( not sure what it was). And who can forget the racing car driver and that huge plastic racing car. His green striped overalls and helmet were just so cool. Sport was also represented by the ace footballer with plastic stand and the fabulous cricketer complete with stumps.

Then there were water based sets: the magnificent deep sea diver with its lead boots, sheathed dagger, buoy and the vast helmet with opening face hatch: and what about the frogman and his rubber suit. I had the shark too and they often scrapped in the bath. Frogman was sometimes rescued by the Australian or maybe it was the Polar Adventurer. Either way they had a plastic boat with working outboard. It was the bees knees.

Thinking about it I could probably have a whole separate blog about action man I liked him that much. I have nothing left from those days a half century ago, not even one of those lovely orange sticks of dynamite. Nada. All fading in the window box of time.

But the memories are still alive thank God. Alive with my old buddy the poseable fighting man from Palitoy.

How about you readers?

PS. More on action figures coming soon from Tony K.


  1. Oh my,the first9 years of my life I was crazy for these toys.They had been around for a few years before I was born.Upon my arrival, I inherited my uncle's hand- me- downs as he was in high school and done with toys.Of course, here they were called GI Joe but other than name they were virtually the same as Action the 70's Joe changed from strictly military uniforms and weapons into wild playsets that pitted him against giant squids, mummies, even The Abominable Snowman.Kiddie City was the showplace for all these toys,and yes,it was the same store mentioned by Mr. Marshall in his books.As John and I are about the same age, it seems we had the same taste in toys and apparently our mothers shopped in the same stores!

    1. Great memories Brian. We had lots of the same uniforms! Sadly I never progressed onto the non military sets like the mummy, I was too old and chasing girls and rock n roll. I love that kiddie city photo in John marshalls book and it's great you went to the same shop! Maybe you stared at each other in the GI Joe aisle! Ha ha.

  2. One of my memories is of the Action Man Red Devil Parachutist, Woodsy. My dear old dad and me trekked to the top of a local hill to throw the Red Devil high into the air as instructed... only to watch him crash onto the grassy DZ. His red, white and blue chute failed to deploy. The green goggles didn't survive the impact and cracked. Mum sent a sitrep to Palitoy ... who were kind enough to send an surprise envelope containing several pairs of replacement goggles. Palitoy were wonderful! :)

    1. Lovely memory that Tone. How cool was that, Palitoy sending replacements! It was a superb uniform, I remember it well. Would toy companies be like Palitoy now?

    2. Tony, replied to the comment you left over on my blog. You may find something of interest in my response.

    3. Yes thank you Kid. Just found it. New info always appreciated :)

  3. In case you didn't know, the original Action Man is being reissued with classic outfits, and should be on sale until August of this year. My brother had Pedigree's Tommy Gunn figure, which was the British equivalent of AM (who, as we all know, was really a renamed G.I. Joe), and whose boots had laces and whose grenades had pins which could be pulled out. In all but one way (no separate ball part at the top of the thigh to allow crossing one leg over the other), TG was probably a tad superior to AM. He had a more realistic physique, which AM eventually 'copied' a few years down the line. We had a mixture of AM and TG outfits and equipment, which Tommy wore or used with no favour towards one brand over the other. I re-acquired Tommy around 20-odd years ago and have a couple of original Action Men (also re-acquisitions), as well as one of the re-issues from around 10 years ago. Wish I were a kid again.

    1. As my poor little comment has been ignored by Woodsy, I'll reply to it myself if that's all right. Yes, Kid, you're right - Tommy Gunn was a brilliant action figure and thanks for the heads up about the classic Action Man release this year. RRP is £34.99 (I think) and I'll be buying one if I have some spare dosh.

    2. ha ha, not ignored Kid, just ran out of time this morning before going to work - no private emailing there alas. Back home now. I agree with you that Tommy Gunn was simply superb and the accessories were easily as good if not better than Action Man's. Like you I mixed up Tommy with Action Man and my Little Big Man got to play as well. I had a few cheapo clones of them all as well with carded accessories, which I'd love to still have now as I love knockoffs. I've never re-acquired any of my Men like you Kid, although I did help someone sell off their Action Man collection when I was a seller. Maybe the re-issue's are the ideal opportunity to get re-united! Thanks for the heads-up!! By the way, I associate Tommy Gunn with Zodiac Toy shops. Did they have a special relationship Kid?

    3. Action Man accessories in the 70's had stars which you collected and sent away for a freebie. I think 21 stars got you an undressed Action Man. I actually did this and in due course received my free Action Man. The weird thing I remember was that for some reason, a large label had been stuck on one end of the package with the word "NUDE" in big block letters for the postman,my mum and all the world to see! I still think it was a deliberate ploy by Palitoy to discourage me to apply for any more free Action Men...

    4. I think Zodiac took over Tommy Gunn from Pedigree at some stage (unless they were connected in some way), Woodsy, and Tommy started to be made in cheaper plastic. There are conflicting dates for when production ceased, but I'm lucky enough to have an original Pedigree Tommy Gunn, two Pedigree Captain Scarlets (TG's body with CS's head), and at least a couple of the Zodiac TG's. You can see the original Tommy here:

    5. Oops! Just noticed you've already seen and commented on it just over a year ago.

    6. cheers for the info Kid. I'd forgotten Tommy Gunn was first Pedigree and had no idea that the Cap Scarlet had his body. I'll have a look at your old post and my old comment now! I loved my Tommy Gunn though thinking back. Am I right in thinking he had a squashy face?

    7. You'll see my answer to that question when you re-read my old post, Woodsy.

  4. Great memory that Steve P. I remember cutting out the stars as well and sticking them on cards. It must have ruined loads of boxes and backing cards! ha ha I love that they marked the box NUDE! was the box a discreet plain brown card? I think I sent off for stiff with fewer stars but have no idea what. The rifle rack rings a bell though!
