Saturday 25 February 2017

New Maps of Hell

Looking through my old photos, I came across this diagram I made a few years back, which was a vain attempt to try and figure out why I collect so many different toys and how they relate to one another. Starting with the basics, Spacex and Matt Mason etc, I tried to find connections between toys and themes. Looking at it now, having moved on into even more rarified realms, I can see I was hopelessly optimistic!


  1. A stirling effort Wotan! The connections are excellent. I bet we instinctively knew these when were kids and how unrelated stuff could be mashed together best. You toy cupboard was a broad church though. I'd never even seen Capsela till you showed me.. Is the title a reference from somewhere?

    1. Yes, pretty broad. New Maps of Hell ix a book published by Kingsley Amis in 1960, a series of essays about sci fi writing. Theres a New English Library version with a beautiful Bruce Pennington cover too!

    2. Sounds interesting. Off to Larkinland now.

  2. Your toy maps a cool concept Bill... and a unique piece of art in its own right which spotlights some great toys.
