Saturday 25 February 2017

My dinky canon!

Just remembered vividly blasting an army of HO scale Aifix soldiers with used matchsticks.

These were shot from a spring-loaded die-cast Canon on wheels.

It was military green and a few inches long. The barrel could be angled. Not very big but the spring was strong as anything. It hurled those matchsticks fast enough to cut a swathe through the carpet army like a screaming mee mee.

A few more matchsticks flattened the whole lot!

It must have been a  a Corgi or a Dinky toy. Battered with a bent rear pull rod, I adored that canon!

Did you fire matchsticks readers?


  1. I did but mine was a Brittains toy field gun. Sounds like your description.

    1. O think youre right Kev, mine was probably a Britains too. I just dont recall the box. the canon was quite ricketty to be honest with wobbly spoked wheels.

  2. Replies
    1. Just picked this up Kev. God knows why it randomly spams your comments. its such a darn pain and I'm sorry. I was out all yesterday and evening.

    2. No problem. It has a downer on me but I shall rise above it heroically (and modestly).

  3. Now there's a fun thing from the past... matchstick ammo, Woodsy! There seemed an abundance of spring-loaded cannons and field guns for kids about back then. I remember having a couple of different ones, but I'm not sure who made them ? They were die-cast, just as you describe. I'm sure that the official ammo what I remember may have came on a plastic sprue and was lost after the first volley. Yep, matchsticks were always used by the resourceful gunner of the day to strike fear into the plastic hearts of enemy infantrymen who were unlucky enough to face the guns :)
