Tuesday 28 February 2017


I hope he won't mind me mentioning it, but I'm pleased to hear that the surviving  parts of the original Moonbase Alpha prop are currently going through some meticulous  restoration by it's owner, James Winch.

I've been lucky enough to see the prop at various events, and although when I saw it, bits of detail were missing and the model was looking it's age, it was still a very  impressive model,

Even though travel tubes and landing pads are missing (these were apparently vac-formed and attached to the plaster on the original baseboard ) its still a big model, so when James' get's round to reproducing these missing pads and tubes it'll be huge.

James has now finished restoring the buildings, and once he's found or reproduced the missing parts, he'll be working out a way to create a display base board.

That is something I'd be very much looking forward to seeing. The very best of luck with the project, James.

James has kindly sent me some photos he's taken of how the restored Moonbase Alpha is looking now.

I think it goes without saying it looks superb, but I'm going to say it anyway. A great piece of work, James.

This last photo shows parts for the new outer buildings, and what looks like travel tubes.


  1. Great to see it coming back to it's glory. I'm always happy when these priceless artifacts are saved and nurtured ( such as the original number one 44" Eagle, the full sized Galileo shuttlecraft mock up, and the 11' Starship Enterprise filming miniature ). Too many of these priceless, one of a kind items have been lost to the ravages of time.

    1. yep, a gorgeous model Scoop I agree. I was never a fan of 1999 but I can totally appreciate the desire to keep the props intact like this. Well done James!

    2. Yeah, I always get a buzz out of seeing original props like these. There was quite a few 1999 props saved and stored away for future use at the time. It's a pity there wasn't more original Century 21 props saved but I believe they just didn't have the space at Slough.

  2. wow, it is great to see that prop being restored! wouldn't it be cool if he staged and filmed some fly-by's once it was completed?
