Monday 30 January 2017


I note there's an Alpha: 2017 convention in July, this time in the  States, Parsippany, New Jersey to be precise. I'd love to attend but there's a UFO one around that time, here in the UK I'm hoping to get to, but I did get a chance to go to Alpha:2014 in Peterborough so I shouldn't complain..

As a reminder to anyone else who went, and a tease for those lucky folk who are going to Alpha:2017, here's a few photos I took of some of the great guests who attended Alpha:2014.

Prentis Hancock who played Paul Morrow

Anton Phillips who played Dr Bob Mathias

Catherine Schell who played Maya

Nick Tate who played pilot Alan Carter.

Suzanne Roquette who played Tanya Alexander.

Pam Rose who played a Command Centre Operative, and Sarah Bullen who played Operative Kate 

Stuntman Paul Weston  who appeared in several episodes, generally as a Moonbase Alpha Security Guard

Stand - in Suzanne Heimer 

Story consultant and scriptwriter Christopher Penfold.

Camera focus puller Robin  McDonald

Special effects designer Brian Johnson


  1. Even though Space 1999 passed me by I can see that that was a right good bask in 2014 Scoop. I'm sure New Jersey is a great venue for this year. I had no idea the show was that popular in the States but it obviously was!

  2. The series has a pretty big following in the States, Woodsy. There was quite a few American fans at Alpha.
