Monday 23 January 2017

ARCTIC PLASTIC - On Thin Ice: Tales from the Haunted Toy Box by Tony K

With the threat, or thrill, of winter cold, I thought it would be cool to dig out the parka and check-in at Madelman's Polar Station... and take a few snaps of the boys out on snow patrol! Enjoy!

Tony K.


  1. That is -wonderfully- done, Tony!

    Very inspired and evocative, nicely detailed.
    But let me guess: soap powder?

    Best -- Paul

  2. Hi Paul, Thanks for your kind comment. Haha... sorry no, not soap powder. It was actually... ? All the best, Tony :D

    1. It's just poor-mans FX Dept improvisation... although soap powder sounds like a very good idea Paul :)

  3. I got the soap powder suggestion from a chap at a nearby model store, back in the early 70s. Works very well, though it needs to be the kind without extra whitener because those are pale blue grains that look weird (and impossible to weed out unless you're -very- patient). Made my room smell very fresh for days on end!

    Best -- Paul

    1. To be honest with you Paul, I used a large soft sofa blanket belonging to Mrs K. It was easy to shape into various shapes for the shoot. I thought it had the right sort of consistency for FX snow. It was just an experiment really, but fun to do... and I appreciate your feedback :)

    2. Finally Paul, before I forget to mention it... the snowstorm effect was created by a free online filter I stumbled across (web address below). Again it was just trial and error. This filter maybe of interest to you if you're producing similar model winter scenes. Hope this helps.

    3. A blanket? That's certainly got the righ texture then Tony, fooled me! :)

      And thanks for the tip about the filter, I'll have a decco.

      Best -- Paul

    4. I have very limited modelling skills, Paul, so I have to try and compensate with mirrors and smoke. Good luck with the snow filter :)

    5. Thanks EW. I really appreciate your comment. The pics have received a warm welcome :)

  4. Very nice Tony, you should have done this pre-Xmas ; D

    I'm not that well up on Madelman, although I do remember having a 2001: A Space Odyssey Astronaut doll which I believe was one. A lot smaller than Action Man as I recall.

  5. Hi Scoop, Yes, the 2001 astronaut is a classic example and a brilliant Madelman to have owned. Not sure if you know, but selected examples from the original range, including the 2001 astroanut, were reproduced a few years ago by a company called Altaya. Yes, you're right, Madelman were a lot smaller than Action Man. Approx the same size as Bradgate's Little Big Man. Thanks Scoop, I really appreciate your comment, Tone :)

    1. Hi Tony, I wish I still had the toy. My last memory of the it was most of the accessories had gone, helmet etc. and all it had left was it's spacesuit with a really nice 'Discovery' patch. I didn't know about Altaya, I'll have to keep my eyes open for one. :)

    2. The toy may have gone, but you've priceless memories of a fantstic toy. Pedigree Toys were the exclusive UK distributors, back in the mid-70s. It's possible your astronaut came here via that route. These days, original 2001 astronauts can be tricky to find in nice condition. The Altaya reproduction 2001 astronaut does turn up on eBay every so often and may be worth looking at. Thank you for sharing a great memory, Scoop. The 'Discovery' patch was so typical of the production values Madel put into their pocketsize product :)
