Saturday, 3 December 2016

toy cabinet reshuffle

The latest addition to my glass cabinet is this cool Zero-X desk statuette, a gift from the super generous Terry H.

The white boat ship is my discarded effort to scratch together a SWORD Scout 1.

The tall craft at the back are four generations of scratchbiulding attempts at the SpaceX II Photonic Propulsion Space Station.

Have you any Zero-X collectables or half-made models?


  1. Got the JR21 and Aoshima die-cast Zero Xs. Got my scratchbuilt one too. As for part built models there's a Planet of the Apes spaceship I've started but not yet completed.

  2. That's a super ox collection you have kev. I bet you like your scratchbiult zero x the most do you?

  3. I suppose I do but is hard to display as it's so big.
