Thursday, 1 December 2016

space fury: the worst space film ever?

Well its the first of December and the festive end of the Year awaits like a island of lights and chocolate.

I'll soon start to watch my traditional trio of Yuletide DVD's to season up my hibernating mind: Scrooged, Black Christmas and Nightmare Before Christmas, before relying on the annual slick of Christmas honey like Home Alone, Elf, Scrooge and Its a Wonderful Life.

In the meantime I'm still watching Sci-Fi and have possibly seen the worst movie I have ever inserted into the DVD player: Space Fury. I was fooled by the cover, which for some reason reminded me of the excellent Lifeforce.

Its not often I have to turn a film off but this was so utterly dire I couldn't stand it any longer. A cheap molotov cocktail of cheesy Russian accents, brain numbing slowness and CGI so bad it makes you angry [hence the title no doubt!], it is definitely one for the shredder. 

Thank God I have it on loan from Love Film. I can send it back tomorrow! A real December turkey!

Have you seen any Space turkeys readers?


  1. Sounds bad. Thanks for the warning. Here's one to try, "Devil Girl From Mars"

    When I first viewed this in a cinema in 1954 it frightened the hell out of me. In later viewings it has a charm about it that big budget turkeys fail to provide.

    1. I like the look of Devil Girl from Mars Terranova. Never seen it so its on my to watch list now, thank you! Having googled I was amazed to find that the sound engineer was one young Gerry Anderson!
