Monday, 25 April 2016


I had so much stuff as a kid that I don't have now. 

I had literally tons of Action Man gear, Major Matt Mason stuff, Billy Blastoff, die cast cars, Hot Wheels tracks, plastic cars, space toys, a Johnny Seven. games and books, not to mention Project SWORD [including the Zero-X] and SpaceX vehicles and my favourite space figures, Colouforms Outer Space Men!

Where did it all go?

I can honestly say I don't recall ever seeing my parents throw any of it out but they must have done, way back in the early Seventies. 

Maybe they threw it out in installments as I got older? I just don't know.

Did you see your folks throw out your childhood stuff readers?


  1. my mother was in charge of the local church donations committee during my teen years,alot of my stuff"vanished" at that time.She also ran a nanny service for neighborhood kids,and a lot of my old toys were filtered down to these kids.I stubbornly held on to my GI Joes, Star Wars, Mego Super Heroes and Micronauts collections and now ,at age 50,I still have these treasures wonderfully preserved.In fact, my grandson has taken a shine to the Star Wars toys in particular.

    1. Well done keeping hold of your treasures Brian! Your Grandson will be grateful! Can you imagine how much brilliant stuff was chucked out and continues to be at municipal tips and refuse dumps. Wonder of any of the staff have pulled out some gems? Could be a good job! ha ha

  2. I think they just sort of disappear - without ever saying goodbye. I do remember two teddies I had as a youngster 'disappearing', and when I asked what had happened to them, my mother told me I was too old for them now. (Well I WAS 26 - nah, I was only 3 or 4.) When we moved house (when I was 5) I remember my old rocking horse being left out in the back garden for the neighbour's kids to get, which I wasn't happy about (again being told I was too old for it). In fact, a good many years ago now, I bought a Christmas decoration rocking horse to sort of replace the one I'd had as a kid. It sits on the mantelpiece every Christmas. I've spent the last 30-odd years trying to replace toys, comics and records, etc., I had in my youth.

    1. Guess what? Clicked out of your blog, only to find that all the text had disappeared on mine. It sometimes happens on Mark Evanier's blog too. I wonder what causes it?

    2. Bummer that Kid! Thought we might have cracked it. I wonder if its a clash of operating systems? I just don't know what to suggest.

    3. We are on the same quest Kid, finding lost stuff. It doesn't happen very often now but I used to find loads of the books I once had. Oddly enough I found EXPLORERS two weeks ago, which was in the family bookcase. Sad really but it makes me happy!

  3. I actually gave a lot of my toys away to a local orphanage, including my first train set - an American Flyer set. I miss that set now but I know it went to a good place.

    1. Very laudable Ed. That set will have been loved again.
