Tuesday, 26 January 2016


As the loan period of 'my' Century 21 Nuclear Ferry draws to a close I have placed it back in its box for the final time. As this is quite a complicated business I thought I would blog each stage, in case you find yourself having to do the same!

Making sure that there are no batteries in the remote-control, you begin with a pile of the cardboard inner packaging removed from the box.

1. place the flat two-slot base in the right hand side of the box

2. Insert the remote into the small card tray and place into the middle of the box snug against the two-slot card base.

3. Practice the lay-out of the 3 main card pieces as shown. Each piece fits snugly onto the 3 main parts of the toy with the two steel braces in place.

4. Gently slide the toy and the card pieces into the box. The remote should be now beneath the rear wheels and its cable neatly below the main toy. The rear wheels of the passenger cab should be sat in the two slots on the card base. All inserts should be flush with the box's top edge.

5. Insert the bulbous toy part into its 2 card pieces so that it is suspended above the passenger cab. The fragile blue plastic side-antennae and black front aerial should not be touching any card.

6. This final piece of card should be all that is left

7. Insert this in front of the exposed spring-loaded mechanism on the main body with the blue plastic push-rod pushed firmly in place on the spring

8. Insert the rolled paper Manual, wrap the badges in tissue and secure below the red engines and finally place the top lid onto the box. Eh voila!


  1. I can feel your love for this Ferry all the way from here and am beginning to feel so sad for your Impending loss of the Ferry.
    Well at least you found another excuse to get the Ferry back on the Moonbase front page.
    Thank you for all the 'TEST FLIGHTS' and great Information on this Ferry , without out which I would have stayed as ignorant as the black hole in the vast space where Nuclear Ferry was travelling Gliding in.

    1. Ferry Love, its a whole new condition! ha ha. Thanks for the kind words about the video's etc SWORDGrasshopper. Its been a real privelege having the Nuclear Ferry at my house over the last year. Cheers.
