Saturday, 26 December 2015


Prepare for a trip down memory lane, Thunderbirds fans!

“We have a situation!” exclaims Scott as he bursts into Alan’s room.

Thunderbird 1 is launched, and a perplexed Alan muses over what exciting situation it might be.

Soon they are landing at Lady Penelope’s stately home. The time has come for Parker to teach young Alan to drive!

So begins the teaser for the much heralded episode written by writer and comedian, David Baddiel.

This is the episode with Penelope’s Great Aunt Sylvia who makes an appearance,dressed, incidentally as the original Lady Penelope, and voiced by none other than the lovely Sylvia Anderson, a treat in itself. But if Sylvia wasn’t enough to take us old fans back to the days of the original series, prepare yourselves for another special guest star – the original, and I mean original FAB 1!

I'm sure the more pedantic fans will be trying to work out where the old FAB 1 and the new one fit in the timeline aspects of things (it did cross my mind) but what the hell,  it’s the original FAB 1 (or Fab Zero as Parker calls it, for some reason)  in all its glory.

Note the numberplate - just plain FAB now as it's been superseded.

I have to say, in spite of my reservations on CGI, I have to admit the computer rendition of the original FAB 1 looked great. I wonder if we’ll ever see any of the original Thunderbirds making future guest appearances.

There was a couple of other blatant nods to the past – The Lady Penelope teapot (Which does have a twist!) and some very pleasing slight re workings of Barry Gray’s original incidental music.
I imagine there’s probably a few more Easter eggs (or should that be Christmas treats!) in the mix which fans will be desperately searching for.

Has this bust got some nostalgic significance?

Anyone for TEA?

For anyone interested in the plot it’s about a Stately Home Robbery!

Needless to say this episode gets an F.A.B. from me. 


  1. It was very silly but I liked it!

  2. And still no sign of them in the States, so far as I've been able to find. Still, I have to admit the suspense is taking me back to the old days of being an Anderson fan in the US, having to wait months or years for the next new series to arrive. But are we ever going to get to see this?

    1. I really do hope so Richard. While it could never replace the original, it's still has some enjoyable moments, and keeps the Thunderbird name current.

  3. Yeah, not even the comic/collectible shops seem to be carrying anything related to the new series here in the states.

    One thing I did notice a couple of times in this episode is we have cuts to real hands pushing panic alarms and such which was a nice and slick tribute to the original series. It blended in nicely with the CG and didn't detract from the appearance of everything.

    1. It really is odd that The States haven't got the series yet. You'd think , purly on a financial note the producers would pitch it towards an American audience.

  4. I thought this episode had some gentle tributes to the original series. Although this is not the first time we've seen an original type vehicle on screen! In the recent episode that had the little boy playing with a model of Thunderbird 3, I noticed that it was almost the same as the original TB3, complete with white docking collar. Only the engines were like the new version.

    Lastly, next time a GDF transporter is on screen have a close look at the shape and position of the wings... Looks reminiscent of the lifting bodies of a certain space craft!

    1. It was a fine episode for Christmas in spite of a rather hackneyed plot and taking certain liberties with the original hardware. It was certainly perfect for us old timers. Strangely, on social media there was a small number of dissenters regarding this episode. One particular post that stood out, was from someone who was IMO obviously taking things a bit too seriously, and was so incensed he decided, in his mind, to not count it as part of the final number of episodes. Naturally, like anyone this person is more than entitled to their opinion, but thankfully, the more chilled amongst us, which I'd hazard are in the majority seemed to have enjoyed the spirit of this nostalgic nod to the past.

  5. Hi, Ghosthunter here.
    "FAB 1" was destroyed on board "Skyship One" towards the end of the Second feature film when is crashes onto a missile base in the South of England. We are now missing the section of the story that has managed to bring it back to life and do the 'Time-Lines' match between 'Classic' T.Birds and modern T.Birds, given the former is set from 2024 onwards?

    1. Hi Ghosthunter, I didn't know that, that the FAB1 went down with Skyship One. Fascinating! Did the C21 effects team destroy the models doing it?

  6. I very much doubt it because there were no establishing shots showing the remains of "FAB 1", but we do see the car drive into "Skyship One" just before take off on "Airship One's" maiden flight. The only possibility is the area on board where "FAB 1" was allowed to park could have been bomb proof as on board Lady Penelope's "Seabird 1" Yacht, which was destroyed while "FAB 1" was on board in the garage in the story...'Mr Steelman'. What we don't know is weather "FAB 1" would have travelled on board "Skyship One" enough times to warrant such a facility, I doubt it!


    1. You know your FAB stuff Ghosthunter! FAB1 on Seabird 1 reminds me of the rolls royce that was parked on the Royal Yacht Britannia, which I saw a few years back in its mooring in Leith. You don't by any chance have the picture of the FAB1 life-size car partially destroyed in a barn years ago? I think it once appeared in the old Century 21 magazine by Engale. Cars of the Cars of Keswick rescued it but they've sold up. Would love to see that picture again.

  7. That particular Rolls-Royce on the 'Royal' Yacht was "Canberra II", a 1960 Phantom V with a 4 inch higher roof line all around for a better view of Her Magesty! To get it in it's garage they had to take off the bumpers as the car being 19 feet 11 inches long was too big!

    I do have a picture of the real "FAB 1" where she is looking very tatty and negleted, but do not know how to include it here.


    1. Fascinating Ghosthunter! I saw Cannberra II behind its glass window then! Presumably Air Force 1 has a similar prestige vehicle numbered 1 too! Mattel and Barbie had the right idea with her pink Zima rolls in the 80's.

      That piccy would be cool for the blog if you don't mind. My email address is

      I wondered of you might know who was the box artist for the JR21 FAB1 toy and whether the silver tea set that Lady P had was based on a real tea service available at the time? I'm planning a short article about the JR21 toy version of the service and it would be great to add that info if I can. Cheers!

  8. OK, I will send some stuff to you via email.

    Was the Tea set based on a real most certainly was, however, in the TV episodes, there were Two different Teapot designs used, a stout version and a taller version which really could have been a Coffee pot, but both are based on traditional Georgian designs by Walker & Hill. The smaller design has a smooth top and may have been based on the Mappin & Webb design before they joined Walker & Hill as part of a joint venture by the 'Delta Metal Company' in 1963. The taller design does have a fluted top, a typical Walker & Hill feature. Both designs have the long flutes on the body leading down the base. The taller pot also has the flutes on the bottom half of the spout.

    I am afraid I do not know who the artist was for the JR21 boxes, but assume it was by someone in Hong Kong, the original source for the models.

    I do also have Pink and Blue examples of the 'ZIMA' Rolls-Royce you mention.
    Until next time,

    1. That's fascinating Ghosthunter and thanks for sharing your knowledge. I'll try to find some pics of those real sets for my article for the blog. That JR21 Lady P tea set seems quite scarce. I wonder if many girls got one...or indeed boys? I meant to mention that a reader once contacted me about the FAB1 in the barn. His Dad found it. I never heard back from the reader but his comments are here if your'e interested:
