Tuesday, 29 December 2015

One for Ron

Inspired by Ron Turners panel which introduced the Thunderbirds Excavator vehicle, I used the new Supersize TB2 pod and the small Imai model.


  1. That looks cool that Bill. Perfect fit! And filmed in Tatooine as well!

  2. yep, the new TB2 reminds me so much of the original Rosenthal one. This is sat on my coffee table with a bag of budgie grit!

  3. I haven't got the original JR21 TB2 so I can't compare them. Maybe one of our readers has both and can photograph them? As for budgie grit I assume its cage sand for the little tweeters. I hope you were playing some classic Budgie whilst messing with your toys? In the Grip of a Tyre Fitters Hand maybe?

  4. the new toy is a lot bigger, but my original TB2 is well gone, only the red engines are left. Yep, a bit of heavy Budgie is always welcome!

  5. Just the red engines! ha ha. Like you just have the conning tower of the Stingray Atomic Aircraft Carrier, the nose-cone of the Hoover Space Bird and the side engines of the SpaceX ATS? You have the best space toy graveyard in the world Bill! What did you do to those toys?

  6. wish I did have a bit of Sub Carrier! All my toys were played with to extinction, decades of mishandling!

  7. yes but like me you kept the odd memento of some of them. I have a Kung Fu action figure header card somewhere. The card survived but the figure chopped himself into bits!
