Wednesday, 30 December 2015


Hi Woodsy, 

Just wanted to wish you happy holidays and share these pictures with you of a recent completed YJP auction.

The seller claimed it was maybe a prototype. Sort of vague but it does look like old resin.

It went for SUPER Cheap and unfortunately I slept on it (Forgot!). Oh well! About $10 this would have been!

I totally thought you should see it.

The bottomless pit of SF Japan model hell...

Paul Kaiju


Tony K's suggestion, the Dalek Spaceship from the film Daleks Invasion of Earth 2150 AD?

[pic: the doctorwhosite]


  1. I haven't seen one of these before, but its shape does kinda remind me of the Dalek saucer in the movie, Dalek Invasion of Earth:2150AD. Regards, Tony K

  2. See what you mean Tony. That's a grand spaceship isn't it! Like something out of Jules Verne! I've added a pic for comparison. Ta.

  3. Looking at the toy again it seems more of a home made creation than a prototype.

  4. I'm goign to agree with Woodsy on this. I keep looking at it and seeing very heavy handed thick paint on it. Parts are smooth and other parts very rough, like unsanded modelling putty was used to blend two different toy parts together. The very thick grey paint hides more detail which is something most prototypes don't do. They tend to either be unpainted or have minimal paint applications as it is usually used for making the mold. The top looks sunken, like it melted/warped due to heat or softening of the plastic due to too much green putty. I'm guessing here, but the "battery compartments" appear too big for AA batteries and too small for a C size cell not to mention way too small for a D which most toys ran on. I may be wrong there though but don't think so. I also keep seeing lines that remind me of The Voyager model kit from the animated Fantastic Voyage series. I think this is someone's kitbash that has misidentified than one of the roughest prototypes I have ever seen.

  5. See what you mean about The Voyager Lance. There is something oddly familiar about the 'prototype' but I can't put my finger on it. Wanting to consult my old fave Japanese models site, Superfantasticjapanesemodels, I just can't find it. The site that it!

    1. Sadly Superfantasticjapanesemodels went offline about midwayish through 2015. I found it out myself when I went to it to start archiving the pictures. Shame to lose such a great resource on the past.
