Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Is your collection just starting or is it nearing completion readers? Or maybe its taken you down a side-route or into a new collection, where your'e at now?

Collecting is all about what you fancy and nothing else really. You maybe a completist, a Mint and Boxed-ist, a loose and incompletist, a sampler or maybe a bit of everything. Most of all you'll be just you and it'll be your collection whatever the rhyme and reason behind it.

I personally have nearly finished my main collection and in my case its been trying to get the toy fleet of Century 21 Project SWORD. I've accepted that I'll never own the Nuclear Ferry and the Moon Base Set. I've got everything else. Anything I take in now is the occasional knock-off, which I take a fancy to, what you might call side salad to the main dish!

It's a peculiar feeling to be nearly done, a mixture of happiness and sadness really. I'm happy that I've got there and the hard work is over but I'm really sad that that excited anticipation of finding the next must-have collectable has gone too.

I imagine its a bit like having driven around for years in a Ford Mustang or a Jenson Interceptor, every morning getting that buzz and then having to park the car up in the garage when your'e too old to drive, staring at it through the window and occasionally sitting in it again to feel the thrill of the steering wheel!

Hmmm. Anyway, at what stage are you at readers on the long road to completing your collection? It would be great to hear.


  1. Morning Woodsy,

    in my case with Spacex I'm roughly where you are with Sword. Though there's examples which are incomplete, there's still 3 toys we've never seen, and some specific packaging I don't have. Wouldn't mind having a complete line of loose vehicles (as opposed to taking them out of a boxed set). And there's still some copies & clones popping up out of the woodwork now and then. So more than enough to keep me interested. Plus there's the website-to-be, where I'm waiting on various people (fair enough, I've kept people waiting for ages too :)

    Other collections I shan't bore you with, but they're all on a low flame right now. As you say, it's like a good book, where you rush to see how it ends, and then feel sorry because the story's over. Though in my case there's still the chance of the odd sequel, and I can always reread it too and discover something I hadn't noticed before (that does happen!).

    Best -- Paul

  2. -Imperial Toy - Appllo Moon Exploring series complete
    -carded Triang SpacEx complete (plus have the boxed Moonbase HQ and Nuclear Pulse Space Station)
    -Multiple Toymakers Golden Astronaut still need the carded Pleasure Cruiser!
    -LP - in its infancy I'm gettin' there guys thanx!

  3. Very poignant guys. There's so heart and soul gone into your collections. And then, as you both say, there's all the other stuff we gather up and simmer on 'low flames' [nice that Paul]. I suppose the inevitable question is why we do it but maybe we need a psychologist to tell us that!
