Tuesday 20 January 2015


To celebrate Woodsy's sudden interest in the Space Patrol I or as it was originally named, Guardian, in The Dalek Chronicles drawn by Ron Turner, here's a few photos of the great looking Spacex toy .

First up, my take on the original photo of what was presumably a pre production toy seen on the back of UK bubble packs.

Looking a little different in yellow with Space Police Patrol 1 on the hull.

Looking a little more familiar in its UK bubble pack.

Renamed as Space Command Ship for it's entry into the U.S. Golden Astronaut range.

The Superset 1 containing all the smaller models from the first Spacex range.

Spotlight on the Space Patrol 1

The artwork on the side of the box lid. 

The Space Patrol 1 - Designed by Ron Turner.  Built by Tri-ang

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