Sunday, 19 October 2014


I recently put up some photos previously posted here of the remote control Coast Guard Vehicle on the Gerry Anderson toys Facebook page.

Although I described it as an Investigator 'knock off' toy, one of the first comments supposed it was more likely a Dinky toy knock off, and the toy company producing it probably had no knowledge of the Gerry Anderson connection.

Comparing the two I have to agree that that is a reasonable observation, and unlike the Dinky Armoured Car box, the Dinky Coastguard Amphibious Missile Launch  makes no mention of Gerry Anderson.

Although we've got two difference versions of the box and slightly difference versions of the toy itself, it's history still remains a bit of a mystery.

And the other question still remains - was there also a remote control Armoured Command Car released?


  1. The Dinky comment sounds very plausible Scoop. and a big plastic Command Car would be just too cool for school!

    The last shot I recall was taken at our last get-together at Moonbase Scoop. lets hope some good shots come this weekend's Moonbasing!

  2. Looking at the Dinky boxes, there's hardly any mention of Gerry Anderson on them either!

  3. There's no mention of Gerry on the Coast Guard Launch at all, Woodsy.
