Saturday, 8 March 2014


I had some disappointing news this morning. A book I had ordered is no longer available. It's strange but I had a feeling that the offer was too good to be true: cheap price and free shipping. The book concerned is the UFO Chronicles from Japan. I was responding to this online advert [before it said out of stock!].

Alas, Yes Asia are unable to find a copy from their suppliers, which is a shame. Annoyingly they wish to charge me $14.99 for the privilege of not getting my book.

The UFO Chronicles is the only book I know of which takes the trouble to compare Project SWORD Imai box art with the illustrations in the Project SWORD Annual, so,  its right up my street.

If anyone knows a way of getting hold of a copy of this book without me needing a second mortgage I would be grateful to hear from you readers. Here it is close up.


  1. Sounds like a bit of a scam, charging you for not getting it

  2. Had another google for you, Woodsy.
    Started with the authors' names visible on your screendump (ufo is no use as a search criterium), and found that page. Which has the isbn number on it. So googled for isbn 4575296309 and found lots of sites in japanese, including: which is pretty expensive,
    but amazon japan has 12 2nd-hand copies at around 3000 JPY (some 17 quid)

    so maybe ask your man in japan?

    Hope this helps & good luck -- Paul
